Did you know that NSCS has more than 320 chapters across the country? As we add new chapters, we rely on Chapter Advisors to get the ball rolling at their own universities. Becoming a founding advisor at a new NSCS chapter is very rewarding, but it’s not always easy. So each year, we like to honor a few Founding Chapter Advisors who have gone above and beyond in establishing their university’s NSCS chapter.
A recipient of the 2021 Founding Chapter Advisor of the Year Award is Ms. Terra James of University of Texas of the Permian Basis. Ms. James began working as a chapter advisor in September of 2020. We know this was a challenging year at most academic institutions as many students transitioned into distance learning and educators adapted to new on-campus protocols. In spite of these struggles, Ms. James worked tirelessly to mentor new chapter leaders and establish an NSCS chapter on the UTPB campus.
Ms. James is known for her excellent communication, a quality we hope she passes on to all NSCS members who work with her. She is always quick to reply to emails, and she seeks out answers for others at the university. Ms. James has helped countless members register for NSCS and increase their independence as students. Her ability to personally connect with each student is noted.
In honor of her dedication as a Founding Chapter Advisor, we are pleased to present Ms. James with a $150 professional stipend and a chance to attend the Leadership Excellence and Advisor Development (LEAD) certification online course. We are confident that as she continues in her role as Chapter Advisor, she will help many more students develop the NSCS pillars of scholarship, leadership, and service. Congratulations, Terra — and thank you once again!
Check out all of the NSCS Advisor of the Year Winners from various regions for 2020-2021.