After a challenging year, we want to thank all of our NSCS Chapter Advisors for their dedication and ingenuity. Today, though, we specifically want to honor Dr. Ryan Zimmerman, the recipient of our 2021 Region 4 Chapter Advisor of the Year Award.
Dr. Zimmerman is an NSCS Chapter Advisor at Weber State University, and he has held this position since 2019. He is highly involved in the chapter’s event planning processes and has showed remarkable dedication to his students. When a student has a question, Dr. Zimmerman is always there with a clear and helpful answer. He is also able to juggle sending out recruitment emails, participating in officer meeting wellness checks, and so much more.
NSCS loves to promote community and student involvement in the community. This is a goal that Dr. Zimmerman shares. Throughout 2021, he helped his advisees make connections with professors and professionals in their fields. He continually sought out community and campus resources to help students and others succeed in school, work, and life.
Dr. Ryan Zimmerman was nominated for this award by Kealani Turingan, who cited strong leadership and unwavering support as reasons for nomination. In gratitude for his dedication, he is being presented with a $150 professional stipend. He’s also invited to participate in the Leadership Excellence and Advisor Development course alongside other NSCS Chapter Advisor Award winners.
NSCS is a community, and we rely on all members of our community to be engaged and to help others as they’re able. Dr. Zimmerman really embodies this aspect of service while also promoting the other two NSCS pillars: scholarship and leadership. We are proud to present him with this award, and we look forward to many more years of his strong, dedicated leadership. Thank you and congratulations once again, Ryan.
Check out all of the NSCS Advisor of the Year Winners from various regions for 2020-2021.