Ambassador Chat Files: Addressing Honor Society Legitimacy Claims


“Is NSCS legitimate?” We are often asked versions of this question by students who are considering joining our honors society. The word legitimate means “the real deal” or “what it appears to be.” So really, what these students are asking is whether NSCS will actually benefit them as we claim. 

We can tell you that the answer is “yes.” NSCS is a legitimate organization, and we aim to offer our members the resources they need to succeed not only in college, but later on in their careers. We offer scholarship opportunities, networking, internships, community service experiences, and more.

Of course, that answer only means so much coming from us. If you want to know whether an organization is legitimate, you really need to hear from its members and figure out whether they’ve gotten value out of their memberships. This is why we have our member ambassadors respond to questions that come through our chat tool. Those ambassadors can speak to their own experiences with NSCS, offering direct evidence to students who are questioning whether NSCS is legitimate or a scam.

One comment we recently received through the chat was as follows:

“I’ve gotten a couple emails, but I wasn’t sure how legitimate that were.”

We really can’t blame this student for questioning whether an email from us was legitimate or not. Most people’s email inboxes are littered with scams and spam, and we would not anyone to fall prey to one of those scams. Luckily, our ambassador was able to reply:

“I wasn’t sure at first either and my 3rd year apart of NSCS I strongly recommend it to everyone nominated! Have a great day.”

This is not just us encouraging a student to join. It is a real member sharing that although she was a little skeptical at first, she is now three years into NSCS membership and believes it has not only been a worthwhile experience, but one that more people should have. Students don’t stick around for three years if they’re not getting a lot out of an experience! We hope this prospective member felt more confident in joining after this response.

Here’s another question we received in the chat.

“I am looking into becoming a member and have received some emails from the NSCS, but I want to know a little more about a membership from an actual member. Could you tell me a little bit about your overall experience with this society?”

This student took a less-direct approach with her question, but what she is really asking is whether NSCS is a legitimate organization that will be worth her time and resources to join. 

We love how the ambassador responded:

“For me the experience has been very rewarding. I have met amazing people and became a star status coordinator for our chapter. Being able to be a part of NSCS has allowed me to network and meet individuals who like myself aspire to achieve greater things and made a difference in this world. I have also taken advantage of the scholarships that become available to us.”

This response really points out that the value of NSCS is multi-faceted. We don’t just offer scholarships. We also offer leadership opportunities, networking experiences, and more. NSCS is a legitimate organization that gives back to its members in many ways, and it’s up to each member to engage with those resources and tailor their experience to meet their own needs.

So, is NSCS a legitimate organization? Our student members seem to agree that it is! Join with confidence; there is a lot of opportunity here waiting for you.

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