Laura Taddeucci Downs National Advisor of the Year:

Dr. Penny Warner
Winona State University,
Advisor for 18-1/2 years (October 2001)
Penny has been a constant NSCS supporter and advocate since becoming the advisor at Winona State in 2001. She has served the chapter there for over 18 years and her continued support has created stability with every officer board transition. She has been key to contributing to the officer’s development and ability to execute meaningful events for their chapter and community. Penny can always be counted on to be proactive in all her NSCS duties from supporting chapter officers to inviting new students to join the chapter. It is always a pleasure to work with a tremendous longtime advisor and supporter of NSCS.
Regional Advisors of the Year:

Region 1:
Dr. Richard Fogarty
University at Albany,
Advisor for 5 years (May 2015)
Rick is one of the most reliable faculty advisors and is immensely dedicated to helping the officers run the chapter and provide great programming to members. He is very hands-on with the member recruitment process and enjoys connecting with new members. Rick provides a wonderful experience for many students as they get to connect directly and personally with their chapter when joining.

Region 2:
Ms. Sarah Springer
University of Louisville,
Advisor for 4-1/2 years (August 2015)
Sarah, an outstanding academic counselor at the University of Louisville, has been a fantastic resource to her local chapter at UofL. She has helped so much with inviting eligible students to join the chapter, answering questions from members and eligible students, and helping plan and execute chapter engagement activities. Overall, she has had a fantastic impact on the chapter at UofL and is so appreciated for her dedication to the high-achieving students there.

Region 3:
Dr. David Marshall
CSU San Bernardino,
Advisor for 3 years (June 2017)
David is always there for the officer board to offer his support. He is a consistent cheerleader for them and always offers guidance during their times of need or confusion. David is always open to helping further the chapter and can be counted on to go the extra mile. The care he shows for the chapter officer board and the chapter members are truly appreciated. His compassion for those he advises in NSCS is amazing to see. The NSCS staff who work with him are humbled and honored to do so.

Region 4:
Mr. Chip Tuson
The Ohio State University,
Advisor for almost 3 years (June 2017)
Chip was passed the NSCS torch by a colleague and hit the ground running with the NSCS chapter at Ohio State. He is always willing to help support the chapter in any capacity that he can. Chip has given an inspired keynote address at a New Member Induction Ceremony where he instilled wisdom about how to stand out at a big university to students who are just beginning their collegiate journey at Ohio State and with NSCS. Chip is always willing to lend a hand or share his expertise to help the student officers run the chapter. He continues to be a great asset to the chapter.

Region 5:
Ms. Jacque Loghry
Northwest Missouri State University,
Advisor for 3 years (April 2017)
Jacque is an enthusiastic advisor. She attends chapter events and meetings in addition to the new member induction ceremony. Her countless hours of service to the chapter have provided the support that is key to this chapter’s strength. She replies quickly to student inquiries, questions, and shares essential feedback. NSCS looks forward to Jacque being an active leader with this chapter for years to come.
Co-Advisor Team of the Year:

Dr. Deborah Garrity and Ms. Francie Glycenfer
Colorado State University
(May 2005 and May 2010, respectively)
Debbie and Francie have a combined total of almost 25 years of service serving as the NSCS advisors for the chapter at Colorado State University. They divide and conquer their NSCS duties and are always ready to lend a hand when the chapter is in need. They are quick to communicate with the national office and ready to invite new students to be recognized for their commitments to scholarship, leadership, and service.
New Advisor of the Year:

Ms. Rebecca Rodas
Portland State University (July 2019)
Rebecca has been with NSCS for a short time but has made a positive impact on connecting the officers with campus resources and updating the way NSCS invitations are sent out for Portland State students. From the very beginning she has been willing to learn and ask questions to make sure the officers at her chapter are informed and able to make the most of their leadership experience. Rebecca has been a key player in enhancing the impact the chapter is making and creating continuity for the officer board.
Founding Chapter Advisor of the Year:

Mr. Najee Wise
University of North Carolina at Wilmington (September 2019)
Najee has been very helpful from the very beginning with starting the chapter at UNCW. He has worked alongside the officers to help get the chapter registered and has worked alongside them to begin recruitment efforts for new members. We have added 40 students from UNCW to our community thanks to Najee’s efforts!