We’re All in This Together


We often hear NSCS members expressing how supported they felt by the organization — or how quickly they came to feel like a part of something bigger once they joined. This is an advantage of NSCS membership that we think deserves to be highlighted a bit more. At NSCS, we do treat our members like individuals and support them on their own, unique paths. However, we also work together as a team. We’re in this together. We support each other. We are here to connect and engage.

This past year, 2020, was not an easy one. The COVID-19 pandemic turned so many aspects of daily life on their heads, especially for college students who were suddenly sent home from campus and asked to adapt to virtual learning. Just over a year ago, in March 2020, our Executive Director, Scott Mobley, gave an encouraging address to members. As a part of this address, he stated, 

“The good thing is we’re in this together. We have thousands of members who are trying to navigate these same waters.”

We’ve found that this attitude alone can be transformative for students — not just during the pandemic, but throughout the college years, in general. Sometimes, you really just need to know you’re not alone, and that there are others who are facing the same challenges who can help you navigate those challenges as a team. That’s what NSCS members do. It’s what our members have done throughout the pandemic, and it’s what we continue to do. 

Of course, coming together had to look a little different this past year. We could not safely gather in large groups and host traditional membership meetings. But in our true form, NSCS found alternative ways to support our members. We made use of virtual resources to organize chapter meetings and events. In his March 2020 remarks, Scott encouraged students to stay connected when he said,

“Connect with your chapter. We are encouraging all of our officers to hold meetings and use social media to engage our members.”

And connect, they did! At a time when the world was changing so quickly, NSCS meetings, even if virtual, gave members a sense of normalcy to fall back on. These meetings helped students to continue feeling connected, even though many of them had returned to their home states, hundreds of miles from their colleges.

Another way in which NSCS members support each other is by encouraging a well-rounded approach to life. Studying and scholarship are important, for sure. But in his March address, Scott also said to students,

“”Take care of your bodies. Eat well, get exercise. This is a great time to get outside.”

This is a simple recommendation, but we love how it illustrates a deeper philosophy. There’s a time for everything, and 2020 was a time to reconnect with our own personal health and health practices.

While NSCS is an honors society that focuses on scholastic achievement, we recognize that achievement is not possible without a healthy, well-rounded person. That’s why we encourage our members to use resources like those offered by our partner, Active Minds. It’s also why we have The Three Pillars. The first pillar is Scholarship, but the remaining two, Service and Leadership, are also vital for our members to remain connected and fulfilled.

This past year was hard, but NSCS members stuck together, used their resources wisely, and leaned on each other for support when it was needed the most. With these values and with each other, we know our members will continue to succeed in 2021 and beyond.

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